Research News

Chinese medicine and endometriosis – new study published.
A rigorous feasibility study, the first of its kind in the UK, looking at Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of women with endometriosis has been
completed. Twenty-eight women with a diagnosis of endometriosis were given either a placebo or Chinese herbal medicine for 16 weeks. Those taking the herbal medicine reported relief in menstrual pain. The results have been published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (volume 17, Number 8, 2011, pp691-699). (

Chinese medicine benefits patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer (2011)
Chinese medicine can help support women who are being treated for breast cancer, according to new research published in the current issue of The Oncologist. The study showed that capsules comprising 14 herbs helped to prevent anaemia and to maintain patients' immune systems whilst they were taking chemotherapy. (

Acupressure to reduce labor pain (2010)
A randomized controlled trial within an Indian public hospital to evaluate the effect of acupressure on pain levels when administered during the active phase of labor with women having their first baby (


Acupuncture for Breech foetus at 33 weeks
Interventions on BL 67 for women with a breech foetus at 33 weeks gestation. (
