Useful links for pregnancy & fertility |
Julie Cade – provides ante-natal and post-natal yoga classes in Tring & Buckland Village. I have enjoyed attending Julie’s classes in the past and found them beneficial both during and after pregnancy.
Carmenta Life - a specialist pregnancy, ultrasound and wellbeing centre based in Berkhamsted, offering traditional medical practices with complementary therapies
ACT Herts - a dedicated group of acupuncturists with expertise in pregnancy, obstetric and fertility care, working within the Hertfordshire area
Debra Betts – acupuncturist and educator based in New Zealand specialising in pregnancy & women’s health care. Her website provides research and information on acupuncture & acupressure during pregnancy & labour
Jane Lyttleton – specialises in the treatment of female and male infertility and is clinical director of the acupuncture IVF support clinic based in Australia. The website provides research & reviews on acupuncture and IVF, acupuncture and pregnancy, acupuncture and PCOS and Endometriosis